ProSoundWeb is the world’s largest web community for all aspects of the professional audio industry, including live sound, installed sound, recorded sound, and industry business trends. Their pro audio community has grown to more than 240,000 monthly unique visitors who view millions of pages each month.

Editor-in-chief Keith Clark coincidentally also calls Niles, MI home. When Keith learned of our plans to build our headquarters on historic Main Street, he and his family were the first people to welcome us. They immediately became our media partner and have been supporting the cause consistently to this very day. They have helped build our industry network and participated in local events on behalf of TRC. ProSoundWeb even featured us on their podcast – Signal to Noise.

For decades, the people of professional production have gone above and beyond with their work, yet there’s often been little in the way of a “safety net” to support them in times of physical, spiritual, and financial need. That’s why The Roadie Clinic is so vital – finally, there’s a place for them to turn to get the support that’s essential in helping them recover and find a healthier balance in their lives. And the best part is that it’s a service created by production people to meet the specific issues of production people.”
-Keith Clark – Editor-in-Chief, ProSoundWeb